
Showing posts from November, 2018
FIGHTING FIT: HOW TO TRAIN LIKE A  BOXER It’s impossible to deny that boxers are some of the fittest and toughest athletes out there. Not only does their job involve dishing out – and taking – enormous punishment, it also requires agility, dexterity, technical ability, strength, and of course, conditioning. A title fight in boxing lasts for 12 rounds at three minutes per round – that’s a gruelling 36 minutes of punishment. It wasn’t too long ago that 15 round fights were the norm, but they slowly phased out as the fighting game became more mainstream. By comparison, a Mixed-Martial-Arts (MMA) fight will only last for five rounds at five minutes each – less than half of what a boxer faces. There’s something about  the way boxers train  that has been captivating people’s imaginations for decades. There’s a reason why the original Rocky film was such a hit, and why spin-offs and sequels are still being made even today. Hitting your own training montage workouts; dragging sledges and chopp
OATMEAL MUFFINS FOR THE OFFICE  SHARE DESK Treat your work bestie to some baked goods - here are some healthy office share snack recipes to keep you fuller for longer! OATMEAL MUFFINS INGREDIENTS 2 Bananas 2 eggs 3/4 cup of milk 1/3 cup of honey 2 TSP. Vanilla 2  & 1/2 cups of oats 1/2 cup of raisins 2 TSP. of baking powder 1 TSP. of Cinnamon 1/2 TSP. Baking soad METHOD Mash 2 bananas into a large mixing bowl Add 2 eggs to the mashed banana and mix together Pour 3/4 of a cup of milk and 1/3 of a cup of honey into the mixture Mix together the contents before adding 2 tsp. of vanilla Stir in 2 & 1/2 cups of oats to the mix Add the remaining ingredients and mix together Distribute the mixture evenly into muffin cases. Place in pre-heated oven at 180 degrees for 20-23 minutes.
PASTA VS RICE: WHICH HAS MORE  NUTRITIONAL VALUE? Most people think that carbohydrate-rich foods such as pasta and rice are bad for you when looking for a balanced diet. This couldn’t be further from the truth however, as the exact opposite proves to be the case. These slow-release carbohydrates help to replenish your energy supplies and therefore your endurance during workouts. Starchy foods like rice and pasta should make up a third of our food intake as part of a balanced diet. But which has better nutritional value: pasta or rice? We’ve taken a look at a standard bag of supermarket white rice and white pasta and broken down the nutritional benefits to find the answer. Pasta (per 100g)                      Calories: 160                                                               Fat: 0.7g Carbs: 32.5g Starch: 31g Fibre 1.4g                                            Protein: 5.1g                           Rice (per 100g) Calories: 117               Fat: 0.5g Carbs: 25.1g Starch: 2
FULL BODY BUDDY WORKOUT   Working out with someone can be great way to have fun and get a workout in at the same time. You’ll probably find you’ll push yourself more than if you were working out alone! So what are you waiting for? Complete each exercise 10 times, take 1-minute rest and repeat for 10 minutes. Before you dive in to the main workout, make sure to warm up. Jog on the spot and start with some star jumps to raise your body temperature so you’re ready for your main workout. MAIN WORKOUT - 3 EXERCISES Sit up and high 5 Lie on the floor facing the ceiling with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Have your partner lie down facing you, interlacing their feet with yours. Squeeze your abs and lift your shoulders off the floor. Sit up and reach to clap high 5 both hands with your partner. Lower your shoulders slowly back to starting position. Press up and clap Begin facing each other in a plank position. Space yourself so that you are at arm’s reach of each other. Place each
FRIDAY NIGHT FAKE AWAY | TORTILLA  PIZZAS Want to enjoy a pizza without undoing all your hard work in the gym? Forget a takeaway and try these delicious and healthy pizza recipes which can be made in less than 15 minutes! OPTION 1 - EGG & ROCKET INGREDIENTS 1 TBSP. Tomato Sauce Grated mozzarella 2 slices of ham 1 egg Rocket METHOD Spread the tomato sauce over the tortilla Sprinkle the grated cheese Top with 2 slices of ham Crack one egg on top of mix Place in preheated oven at 200 degrees for 10 mins Finish with a handful of rocket OPTION 2 - PEPPERONI & PEPPERS INGREDIENTS 1 TBSP. Tomato Sauce Sliced and grated mozzarella Pepperoni Peppers METHOD Spread the tomato sauce over the tortilla Evenly distribute the sliced mozzarella and pepperoni on top of the sauce Throw on a handful of chopped peppers Add some grated mozzarella Place in preheated oven at 200 degrees for 10 mins
FIVE WAYS TO REDUCE HOLIDAY  WEIGHT-GAIN Whether you’re wine tasting in Italy or sampling the local delicacies in France, most holidays involve major food indulgences. There’s almost an unwritten rule that when you’re away from home, there’s a no-holds-barred mindset where all healthy eating habits are thrown out of the window.   There’s nothing wrong with having a good time – you are on holiday after all – but if you really want to keep on top of your diet check our top tips to ensure that your next trip doesn’t turn into a gluttonous getaway. STICK TO AN EATING SCHEDULE It can be quite tempting to pile your plate at the buffet. How could you resist the temptations of pizza, burgers and chips? Whilst it's okay to enjoy yourself every now and then, if you’re not careful though you could easily pack a full-days’ worth of calories into just one sitting; buffets have a habit of making it easy to overdo portion sizes and eat beyond your means. There’s plenty of delicious and healthy al
SHOULD I BE WORKING OUT SORE MUSCLES? Having sore muscles for a day or two after a workout is just a part of the fitness game, right? Anyone who’s been on the block for a while knows that Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS) is part of the price you pay for your body to grow and strengthen in various ways. Then again, feeling a bit sore after a workout is one thing, but being unable to walk up a flight of stairs is something else. Should you be working out if muscles are howling for mercy from your last gym session? Let’s take a look. Some DOMS is to be expected… If you still feel a slight but satisfying ache in your muscles by the time your next workout comes around, it’s generally agreed that you’re safe to train, and that you shouldn’t experience any negative side-effects. This is a cycle many gym-goers will be familiar with, and is certainly no cause for alarm. But the pain should never be extreme If, on the other hand, your muscles are absolutely screaming out in agony, it’s likel
IS IT GOOD OR BAD TO EAT BEFORE  BED? “Don’t eat before bed, the calories will turn to fat while you sleep” is one of the best-established bits of diet folklore out there, and it may well have prevented millions of people from raiding the fridge after dinner. The question is, is it actually true, or is this just another confused fitness sermon from yesteryear? And weight gain aside, is there any other health effect - good or bad - of feasting before dozing off? Let’s take a look. THE GOOD NEWS ABOUT EATING BEFORE BED Your metabolism is pretty much the same when asleep as when awake.  One of the reasons often given for why it’s bad to eat before bed is that metabolism supposedly slows down during sleep, meaning that calories are more likely to be converted to fat.As it turns out, though, research   dating back to 1988 suggests that metabolic rate is virtually identical during sleep as when awake. Eating before bed may help you to sleep better — and that may help you lose weight.  Having
    5 FITNESS TIPS FOR BUSY DADS Being a Dad is one of the greatest privileges a man can have and being a Dad to my three children has changed my life completely. It is such a huge transition that many things can be lost in the minefield of being a parent and one of those is often taking time out for exercise. There is no obvious cut off point when you start being a dad and life changes, it is a gradual process and as a result, things can change without you even noticing. It is easy to fall into habits you don’t realise you are forming as, let’s be honest being parent is something that can completely melt your brain. Here are my 5 tips to help you. CREATE HABITS I have a simple rule around my exercise routine: I look at my week ahead and identify 3 points where I can spend an hour exercising and stick to it. I work in the music industry as a Director of Radio Promotions at Parlophone Records and many of my evenings are spent out at gigs and events so I have to make sure I plan my week
FIVE WAYS TO BOOST YOUR ENERGY  LEVELS WITH YOUR DIET The best way to keep your energy levels high is to follow a healthy, balanced diet. Many people today genuinely struggle to find the energy to do their jobs, or to make it home at the end of the day without falling asleep at the wheel. As for being productive on weekends or evenings? Forget about it. Chronic fatigue and low energy levels can be devastating, and coffee only goes so far in fighting back against this condition. As it turns out, though, your diet plays a major role in how energised you are during the day. Here are five ways you can tweak your nutritional habits to boost your energy levels going forward. KEEP YOUR DAY’S EATING WITHIN AN 8-HOUR WINDOW   You might have noticed that everyone’s going on about intermittent fasting these days. Mostly, the hype has to do with the fact that intermittent fasting has been shown to be effective for weight loss. The benefits don’t end there, though. Dr Jason Fung, author of  The Com