
Showing posts from January, 2019
WHAT FOODS ARE GOOD FOR A POST- GYM WORKOUT When you push yourself through a tough workout, you’re not actually becoming fitter. What you’re doing is stressing your body and priming it to grow and adapt, in response. If you want to enjoy the best fitness results possible, you’ve got to give your body sufficient rest and nutrition to grow and recover after each workout. Post-workout nutrition is the start of the recovery and strengthening process, and what you choose to eat matters. HERE ARE A FEW SUGGESTIONS ON POST-WORKOUT NUTRITION: SIMPLE SUGAR SNACKS When you do a high-intensity training session, you’ll burn through your body’s glycogen stores. Glycogen is the stored form of carbohydrate that your body keeps locked up in your muscles and liver for an emergency. During anaerobic exercises, such as sprint training or explosive lifting for more than a few reps, your muscle glycogen is utilised as fuel. If you run out of muscle glycogen, you’ll “hit the wall”, meaning your muscles will
TOP 5 EXERCISES FOR FAT LOSS 1. DUMBBELL SQUAT PRESS - 10-12 REPS A combination of a squat and overhead press, also know as a 'thruster'. These compound exercises put together help recruit large fat burning muscles groups like your quads, shoulders and glutes. This exercise targets the whole body and all you need is a pair of dumbbells. Start by holding the dumbbells next to your shoulders and stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Squat down going as low as you comfortably can, pushing your heels into the ground. As you get to the lowest point squat up and press the dumbbells directly above your head.  2. MOUNTAIN CLIMBERS - 10-12 REPS A great exercise that can be performed anywhere. Mountain climbers will work the whole body and provide a calorie burn. Remember the more intense the exercise the greater calories burnt. Start on a hands and toes position, straight line through the shoulders, hips and ankles, supporting your weight on your hands and toes. From this position