
Showing posts from May, 2019
THE BEST 3 EXERCISES YOU CAN DO  TO GET BIGGER SHOULDERS MILITARY PRESS The first exercise I would recommend adding to your shoulder routing is the military press. I would perform this first as it will be the most exhausting since it requires working several muscle groups at once. This exercise is primarily going to work your anterior deltoid along with your triceps and your core as the stabiliser. 1. Start by placing the barbell to chest height on a squat rack or Olympic lifting platform. 2. Rack the bar on top of your shoulders with your hands slightly wider than shoulder width 3. Tilt your head slightly back and drive the bar up. Once the bar is past your forehead push your head back through to neutral position. 4. Repeat the process on the way down making sure your control the bar down to your shoulders safely. LATERAL RAISES 1. Grab two light dumbbells (4kg-10kg should be fine) and hold them by your sides, with your palms facing your hips. 2. Drive the dumbbells out to the side, k
TRAIN LIKE X-MEN – WORKOUT  INSPIRED BY THE MOVIE X-MEN  DARK PHOENIX UPPER BODY WORKOUT TO BUILD MUSCLE Pull ups.  3 sets. 10-12 reps. Focus on getting a full extension at the bottom and then driving from the bottom of the move to really contract the muscles in your lats. Pendlay row . 3 sets. 10-12 reps. Make sure that you are set in a strong position with a non-rounded posture. Pull the bar directly from the floor all the way until the bar touches your stomach and then reset for the next rep. Pull over.  3 sets. 10-12reps. Pull over will target the tats from a slightly different angle to the lat pull down. Focus on a full extension of the arms at the top and a good squeeze of your lats at the bottom. Face pull.  3 sets. 10-12 reps. This exercise is a great way to target your traps. Look to pull the rope all the way towards you and then pause whilst you squeeze your shoulder blades together then slowly release and start again. Overhand curl.  3 sets. 10-12r eps. A great way to target
HERE’S A 10-MINUTE AB WORKOUT YOU CAN DO AT HOME OR  IN THE GYM, HITTING EVERY ANGLE OF THE ABS WITH THE  VOLUME TO HELP YOU SCULPT THOSE ABS. Try to perform each exercise for 60 seconds with no rest if you can. If you’re abs are really burning, then give yourself a quick 10 sec rest and carry on from where you stopped. 1. AB CRUNCH Lie on your back with your heels on the floor and with your hands on your thighs. Roll your shoulders off the floor and slide your hands towards your knees. Try not to use your neck to pull your shoulders off the floor. Instead, focus on contracting the upper abs and relax those neck muscles. Extra tip here is to put your tongue on the roof of your mouth to stop the neck from pulling so much and keep your eyes focused on the roof. 2. SCISSORS Lie on your back with your feet raised just off the floor. Then slowly part your legs as far as comfortable. Slowly bring the feet back together to really activate those lower core muscles. Should there be any lower ba