
Showing posts from May, 2020

Strategies for dealing with stress during corona virus lockdown

April is National Stress Awareness Month. At the time of this writing, the world is in the midst of a global pandemic and much of the United States is under lockdown orders. In other words, most people are undoubtedly aware of their stress levels right now. But depending on your mindset, stress actually presents some potential benefits. Much like exercise is a physical stress imposed upon the body that makes it stronger, stress also has the potential to make us stronger and capable of handling greater amounts of stress. Experts say the key is developing a mindset that stress can be beneficial. Dealing with this current reality requires effective strategies for adapting to the current level of stress and learning how to adjust your mindset to create positive outcomes for you and your business. The good news is that if you exercise regularly, you already know a lot about how to adapt to and overcome stress. Lessons From the Military Special operations teams in the military have to work i

6 Gym Exercises to Help Build Strength for Running

Training for running events by running, as you’d probably expect, is a very good idea. It’s pretty much a necessity in fact, if you want to maintain, improve and progress. However, there’s a lot more you can do to support your running if you want to ensure you’re getting the best out of it. Training in the gym is often seen as something that contradicts running training. Especially for longer distances, where the concept of putting on muscle and weight has obvious implications. In actual fact gym training, and weights in particular, are highly beneficial to any runner, whether you’re a sprinter or an ultra-marathoner. Building strength Firstly, weight training allows you to build strength.  Now, strength may not be something you usually associate with running, but it means a lot more than the ability to lift something heavy. Muscular strength is defined as “the ability to exert a maximal amount of force for a short period of time”, in the context of running that means you have an incre